Program Overview
Utility bills can become overwhelming, but HCHRA is here to assist you during these difficult economic times. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides families with energy assistance by aiding low-income individuals in paying their household energy bills. Special provisions are made to serve the homebound, elderly, and disabled persons in Hinds County. Energy conservation information and tips are also provided.
Program Details:
In order to receive assistance, you will have to visit, click on the “Virtual Roma Pre Application,” and complete the pre-application. This information will be sent to the Hinds County Human Resource Agency Department of Family Opportunities (DFO). A DFO staff member will determine your eligibility based on income and the information supplied. You will have to attend one of our weekly orientations for more information. After orientation, you will be scheduled for an appointment.
Dates and Times:
Orientation is held every Saturday (excluding holidays) at 8:45 a.m. at the Central Office Location (258 Maddox Rd., Jackson, MS 39212). Please call (601) 923-3950 for appointments.
Program Information Request Form
If you need more information about this program, contact us using the form below—an asterisk (*) denotes a required field.