The Hinds County Human Resource Agency’s (HCHRA) Board of Directors is a 15-member policy-making entity that meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Each member of the Board must sign and adhere to a Board Members Code of Ethics and the Agency’s Bylaws. While the CEO oversees the Agency’s day-to-day operations, the Board serves as the CEO’s “supervisor”, providing oversight and ensuring that policies and procedures are upheld. All general Board meetings are open to the public.
Under the leadership of a Board, Chairman, and Executive Committee, the HCHRA Board of Directors is a well-functioning Governing Body that supports the CEO and the Agency. They ensure that all policies and procedures are appropriately upheld and, when necessary, adjusted to meet the evolving needs of the citizens we serve. To ensure effectiveness, the Board operates in accordance with Agency Bylaws. The Board also participates in ongoing board development and training, which helps them keep pace with current trends within the community action arena, the state of Mississippi, and the world.
Board Officers

Andrea Montgomery, Ph.D.

Bridgett Newsome-Funchess, M.S.Ed.

Cindi Henry, LMSW

Janelle H. Jefferson, Ph.D.
Board Members

Mary R. Smith

Ashley Floyd

Rev. Karen Porter

Rosalind Neal-Yarber, LSW, MSW

Jeffry C. Lyons

Joyce Wallace

Brittany Osborne

John Hall, Esq.

June Hill, Retired RN, CADC

Joann White, Ed.D.